Monday, September 3, 2007

Weekends gone in a whirrrr of colour

I didn't get nearly as much as I wanted to get done over the weekend, but with good cause, it was DH's birthday and, of course, Fathers Day yesterday.

BUT, I did manage to get 1 of the sewing jobs I wanted to do out of the way. I finished Grace's shirt, albeit at 4.30 yesterday. She proudly put it on and did a little dance for me.

I had planned on starting it on Friday night. I had bought DH a ticket to the Cowboys. The minute he left the house, 'arsenic hour' started and when he got home at 10pm I was still feeding and settling babies.

Saturday was DH's birthday and I managed to get the pattern cut out in the morning. When Eva went down for a sleep, Grace and I went out to do some girly shopping and when we got home, it was time to start the feast I had planned for dinner.

I cooked a Tom Yum, my first effort and pretty good if I say so myself, a Yellow Chicken Curry and a yummy chocolate cake for birthday cake.

Checked in for my weekly Dr Who and then checked out for the evening. Joseph and Elizabeth slept till 5am (bliss) but woke with a hungry scream on Father's Day!

Father's Day saw the exchange of gifts from the girls, both handmade and shop bought and I'm sure DH felt very spesh! He got to hang out in the shed (his domain) drinking beer and listening to the footy with not much expected of him.

I sewed the day away with constant interruptions and started to get really annoyed towards the end. My bobbin thread kept leaving big clumps underneath and looked really messy, but I finished in the end and am quite happy with the end result.

The girls need about 1/2 dozen long shirts each for summer so best get cracking with another next weekend.


Suz said...

Keelie, great job on the blouse. I love the fabric!
My machine does that bobbin clumping thing too. My latest theory is it's only when I use the cheap plastic bobbins, so I'm going to invest in some more good quality metal ones next time I'm at Spotlight.

Emma said...

Welcome to blogging, Kellie! The first rule of sewing - you will never get as much done as you expect; especially with children!